janeiro 03, 2006

[.mp3] Petra - Myrrh (1o CD)

Da Série: "...Bandas que eu curto ..."
Album: Myrrh [1974]
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Michael's review:This album is unique among Petra albums as far as overall sound is concerned. Not that it's bad; on the contrary, it is one of my favorite Petra albums.The double guitar leads are real smokers, and the lyrics are very simple declarations of the Gospel.Sometimes they get a little on the ultra-"groovy" side: "Walkin' in the light, every day and night, livin' in the Spirit, really outta sight!" But the Bob Hartman imagination is there: "Dreamin' 'bout flyin' since I was a boy; never thought I'd see the real McCoy; I think it's safe to say, I've finally found a way; gonna fly away!" Two standout songs are "Lucas McGraw", which is a very humorous country-style "hillbilly" story-song about Lucas' conversion... "...You take a bath on Sunday if you need it or not, and you go to work on Monday, even when it's hot!" And "Backslidin' Blues", which lyrically isn't too deep, but then again, what's deep about, "God, I messed up! What can I do to get back up and live the life again?" Don't expect the same sound as the later albums (or even anything remotely similar), but do expect to enjoy it, and do expect to hear about Jesus.
This is a unique album of early 70s Petra that uses mandolins and banjoes as well as the hard rock sound.Sounds range from bluegrass to blues and acid. They didn't have Frasier, Volz or Schlitt to sing, so the vocals are mediocre, but its an album worth having.Especially memorable are Storm Comin' and Get Back to the Bible. An early taste of a great band that hints of special things to come.

[*]Palavra de Piriá: Vocês devem estar pensando: "O Piriá é petramaníaco!".... Hehehhe, não sou nào hein. Mas já pensou se eu fosse?! É que uma raridade dessas eu não podia deixar passar. Este é o primeiro CD (CD não, vinil) do Petra, e nào se assustem ao ouvir bandolins e banjos hein. Ahh e acreditem: É o Petra! Não parece, mas é.

A parada primeira é
>> AQUI <<.
Créditos: [ Piriá Ligeiro ]

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Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

falaeh Piriá, seu blog tá ficando
muito maneiro, continua assim,
abraço, absinto (newups angels)